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Which Forms of Paralysis Are Most Common?

You may hear the word "paralysis" and think of an inability to move. This is true to some extent, but there are actually various degrees of paralysis, based on what's affected. A primary cause is some type of damage to the spine, which is the body's main nerve center. Issues within the brain can also interfere with the brain's ability to receive and/or send nerve impulses. Paralysis may also be related to muscle weakness (myopathy), neurological conditions (neuropathy), spinal cord injuries or diseases (acute myelopathy), or brain-related conditions such as strokes and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Here's a closer look at the most common types of paralysis. Monoplegia This type of paralysis is limited to one area of the body, such as one arm or leg. Monoplegia is sometimes temporary, such as what might happen following a stroke. Brain injuries, compressed nerves, and brain-related neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy can also cause th
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5 Low-Impact Exercises that Strengthen the Spine

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Tips for Relieving Neck Pain Associated with Stress

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Symptoms of Scoliosis in Kids

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Americans with vehicle protections have not considered the affinity wherein they can plot better inclusion for their necessary recognition. Accident coverage in San Diego generally is viewed as one of the most besetting thought in which the arrangements of vehicle or digger protection have not been assessed by the policyholders or the approach claimers separately. The possibility in the arrangement claims is as needs be connected around half which generally leaves with the potential case that consults with the significant settings where the ideal worth is frequently not accomplished by the approach holders pertinently. The insurance agencies moderately agrees to the affinity wherein the revelation is regularly viewed as fixing as far as benefit negligible to decide the protection professes to be documented with recharging in yearly rates individually. Protection advertise must be aggregated with the existential premise of changing disparities in the market and assessing the aptitu

Common Reasons Children Experience Back Pain

Age can be the defining factor in enhancing back pain which begins as a massive issue for people who are in the age group between 30 and 50. But, some kids are not immune to the risk of having any kind of back pain. The reason up to 30 percent children with ages from nine to twenty can be heavily affected by back or neck pain. Here are a few reasons children might develop back-related pain that might needed attention from an expert Los Angeles spine surgery . Spinal Stress Fractures Teenagers, adolescents, and children, especially those who take part in different kinds of sports might be on the verge of spondylolysis, which is a kind of fracture that directly affects the vertebrae at the foot of the spinal cord. Spinal stress fractures can be more common among boys which are typically caused by regular overstretching of the back. It can be caused by a number of factors which might include lifting heavy weights, doing gymnastics, or taking part in particular sports which requires