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Tips for Relieving Neck Pain Associated with Stress

How to Alleviate Stress-Related Neck Pain

Stress and anxiety can affect both your mind and body in many ways. A good example of this is stress-related neck pain, which often results in sudden tension or stiffness when experiencing excessive stress. What's more, this type of neck pain can extend to the shoulders and upper back and be accompanied by headaches and other unpleasant distractions. Luckily, there are some things you can do to relieve neck pain related to stress.


Regular neck stretches can loosen tense muscles and ligaments and maintain your neck's natural range of motion. Options with neck stretches include:

  • Slow, steady head turns
  • Up-and-down neck movements
  • Circular head motions done in a slow, controlled way

See a Therapist

Solo or group therapy can help you develop more effective ways to manage daily stress so it doesn't end up affecting soft tissues in and around your neck. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one option that focuses on developing healthier thought patterns.

Get Family/Friend Support

Having a family member or trusted friend you can turn to when you’re overly stressed can also be therapeutic. Even something as simple as having someone run errands or pick your kids up from their afterschool activities can give you some much-appreciated breathing room.


Meditation is the process of clearing away thoughts while promoting overall relaxation. It's also something you can do in any quiet spot. Attend a class or check out online how-to videos to learn the proper methods. Some techniques include:

  • Deep breathing
  • Progressive relaxation done in a professional setting to target tense parts of the body from head to toe
  • Attention-focused meditation (mindfulness meditation)
  • Body movement combined with deep breathing techniques (kundalini yoga)

Take Advantage of Massage Therapy

A relaxing massage, whether you go to a professional or do it yourself once you learn the proper techniques, can relieve tense muscles in and around your neck. Massage therapy for the purpose of easing stress-related neck pain focuses on the neck, shoulders, and upper body.


Regular exercise is beneficial because it promotes the release of the body's "feel-good" hormones (endorphins). Studies show these chemicals have effects similar to some over-the-counter medications. Some types of exercise that could ease the stress contributing to your neck pain include:

  • Daily walks
  • Swimming, water aerobics, and other water-based activities
  • Yoga and other controlled-movement forms of exercise
  • Low-impact workouts
  • Sports or other activities you enjoy

Learn to “Let It Go”

Worrying about every little thing can easily contribute to a boost in stress that eventually works its way to the muscles in your neck. Learn how to put inconsequential things on the back burner so you can focus on what's most important to you personally and professionally. Also, be willing to ask for help from others when you have a bit too much on your plate.

If the remedies discussed here aren't helping with your neck pain, talk to your doctor. You may be referred to a Los Angeles spine surgeon if it's suspected that your discomfort is related to something structural, such as a damaged disc, vertebra, or spinal joint.

Stress often causes pain in the neck area, but following the suggestions above may ease your pain and make life more enjoyable. If you’re having severe or long-lasting neck pain on a regular basis, The Spine Institute is the place to call. Our spine experts can diagnose the cause of your pain and create a customized plan of treatment to get you back to a pain-free life. Call our friendly staff today at 310-828-7757 to schedule a consultation.


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