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Showing posts from October, 2019

Tips for Relieving Neck Pain Associated with Stress

Stress and anxiety can affect both your mind and body in many ways. A good example of this is stress-related neck pain, which often results in sudden tension or stiffness when experiencing excessive stress. What's more, this type of neck pain can extend to the shoulders and upper back and be accompanied by headaches and other unpleasant distractions. Luckily, there are some things you can do to relieve neck pain related to stress. Stretch Regular neck stretches can loosen tense muscles and ligaments and maintain your neck's natural range of motion. Options with neck stretches include: Slow, steady head turns Up-and-down neck movements Circular head motions done in a slow, controlled way See a Therapist Solo or group therapy can help you develop more effective ways to manage daily stress so it doesn't end up affecting soft tissues in and around your neck. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one option that focuses on developing healthier thought patterns. Get F